The stored procedure was renamed in 5.0.0 (Oracle version only ) to DNN_GETSPBYPACKAGEID. The provider was still calling GetSkinPackageByPackageID which didn't exist, thus the error.
I've recompiled the provider with the correct stored procedure name and have pushed it into testing to make sure it's ok. Once this is completed, I'll post it on the website under patches and you should be able to download it from there.
The "fix" you've done would work too but you'd need a slightly different sql inside..
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE {objectQualifier}GetSkinPackageByPackageID
p_PackageID IN NUMBER,
returnValue OUT Types.CursorType,
returnValue2 OUT Types.CursorType
open returnValue for select * from DNN_SkinPackages
where PackageID = p_PackageID;
open returnValue2 for select * from DNN_Skins I INNER JOIN DNN_SkinPackages S
ON S.SkinPackageID = I.SkinPackageID where PackageID = p_PackageID;